Thursday, June 28, 2012


So the creation of heavens and the earth and everything in them was completed. On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work. Gen 2:1-2
For all who have entered into God’s rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world Heb 4:10
Right at the back of the church auditorium where I was seated, His word came to me in a swift and so I heard,
Rest in His works, there is nothing else you can add to it.
When God rested after creating the world, all that needs to be were already created. That’s was the answer I got while I wondered with an openness of mind about the kind of rest God observed seeing that human and other life entities come to be at different times after the creation ended. It was stated that He had ended the creation and saw that everything was beautiful. The end He envisioned has found expression, so He relaxed and watched with cheerfulness all He had created with the expectation that they will give him pleasure and ascribe to him the praises he deserves. God’s rest is a place of having peace in the midst of troubles, getting result with ease while working, standing strong when situations seem overwhelming, believing there is a light at the end of the tunnel when nothing makes sense, not comparing self with others in terms of achievement and status. But it is only entered by those who have heard His voice and believed His promise. God rested because ‘it is finished’. All we need to live life and be fulfilled has been created. If there is any new thing in the physical realm today, it had been created by God, it is not new to him, and all he did was to make them available when it was needed. That is why no man, woman, material things, invention or vision is ever a mistake. Their existence on the planet earth was well thought-out. So, our journey in life already has a plan, there is a volume of book that has been written concerning us. God is the custodian of that book and all He wants is for you to lean on His shoulder for carriage to the expected end. The vision you have today has been existing in that book, when and how it will be fulfilled is also there. You see why you don’t need to run endlessly looking for what has not lost? All he said is “write the vision and make it plain….” It is so that you have the end in mind even if you don’t know the troubles, disappointment, letdowns, people, you will meet on your way. To believe in His promise to get you there is all He needs to keep you safe lest you fail and falter. Trying to add to what God has already created will be a fruitless attempt and that will not give you a safe landing. Everyday you wake up, have it in your consciousness that it is God’s seventh day and while we go about our business and getting deeper meaning to life, trust not in your own ability, lean not on your understanding. The bible says “acknowledge Him in all your ways”. I pray you hear His voice this day telling you to run with that vision in His rest, carrying out the assignment in His wisdom, making all the impact you can with His given ability, achieving greater heights through His enablement in Jesus’ name (Amen).
*in the spirit of being blessed by the same piece, I leave you into God’s exceeding grace*


  1. A very beautiful peace. We can either stay in His rest or stay in trouble. Thanks.

  2. Soprano, I must confess, I do not know that you are so endowed. God bless you and keep the good work.

  3. Hmnnnnnnn. Omotanwa this is a wonderful piece.
