Life itself has its own inadequacies, it’s constrains and drawbacks, and I looked at the relentless effort of man to still get a meaningful living out of the limited life. Then I gave a thought to how much the human strength itself can produce.
Human limitation has its root in the sin cancer that has eaten deep and depraved the human nature, this has cut short our abilities to operate at God’s frequency and all we make effort to do is at our own limited best. Hence human living was enclosed within the scope of HUMAN LIMITATION.
But there is a hope for man to live beyond this scope, the natural laws can be altered for man’s sake, man can step into a realm where seemingly impossibilities are possible.
It is just about an understanding that is born out of revelation. Such revelation is based on God’s word and its unlimited power is what sets us on a pedestal that is out of the norm. It is to my understanding that life will not deliver into your bosom all you need to function within it except u make demands with an operational understanding that life itself cannot reject. We all live based on our knowing and it is to the degree of what we know we act and live.
In the cause of putting up this piece I was engaged in a chat with a friend who told me about an open vision of a leaping lion in the sky, the clouds were gaseous. He said to me ‘’they are symbols of that which nothing - no human can stand on. But God & His divine purposes can ride, not just stand or walk, ride on impossible circumstances to establish His majesty. Where man cannot even stand, God leaps and He leaps in majesty & so do those who are in Him.’’
With our own human concerted efforts and living based on our five senses, we can not stand where God stands, we will not operate at His frequency and all we
It is with this understanding Elijah outran Ahab, Abraham walked with God by faith and became the father of many nations, a covenant many generations to come will keep enjoying, with this understanding Mary said out loud ‘’be it unto me according to your word, the HolySpirit came on her and she birthed the savior. Many generals in time have lived out this knowledge and their living seemed to people, a strange and out of the ordinary one.
For your sake human laws can be altered. You have to step out of ignorance and operate with faith the understanding and victory mentality brought you by Jesus’ death and resurrection. In the word of God is vested all you need to live beyond the scope of human limitation. Nothing can stop the force of God’s word; imagine storing up such unstoppable force on your inside and walking in it with faith in God.
Before I end, I will like to remind you, that living for a divine purpose is not separated from all that has been said, it guarantees you the ultimate end in God.
As you read up this piece to the end, open your bible and read, Mark 10:27. Take this scripture to heart and believe in it without doubt.
While I look forward to another time when we will have an opportunity to share on this platform next, I enjoin to keep being radiated by the word
I believe this write up has imparted you in a way, please drop your comments and contribution on this blog before leaving. God bless you real good. Keep breathing.
Rule 1 excerpts from 12 Rules for Life
Posture for success The story is laid in the background of nature. Starting
with very primitive lobsters who have their neurons that are so easy to
9 months ago